Second Session Classes Osu (2025)

1. Searching for a 2nd session course - U.OSU - The Ohio State University

  • Go to; Under Schedule of Classes click on “Search Schedule of Classes” schedule-of-classes; Select the appropriate term ...

  • If you have a disability and experience difficulty accessing this content, please email or call 614-292-5000 for assistance.

2. Home | Extended Education - The Ohio State University

3. Adding a Course - Academic Programs - The Ohio State University

  • Electronic Submission Guidelines for Entering Courses Requiring Permission. Review these basic guidelines for Electronic Submission of Forms and Petitions.

  • Review these basic guidelines for Electronic Submission of Forms and Petitions.

4. Schedule - Summer Session | Oregon State University

5. Courses and General Education | Academic Programs

  • A list of course offerings is updated several times per year and is subject to change. View the document below for a current list of GEL course options and ...

  • Home  //  Academics  //  Courses and General Education

6. Schedule of Classes | Office of Enrollment Services - OSU-Cascades

  • The OSU catalog is online. Look up course descriptions, degree requirements and policy regarding OSU and your OSU degree.

  • Schedule of Classes

7. Class Schedule | Oklahoma State University

  • The Dynamic Class Schedule helps you search by the type of class you want (online, in the classroom or hybrid), course number, instructor, course length and ...

  • The Dynamic Class Schedule helps you search by the type of class you want (online, in the classroom or hybrid), course number, instructor, course length and more. If you are building your schedule, just click on one of the “Course” buttons below, choose your term and beginning finding the classes you need. We are only an email away if you need help.  

8. Search by Session – Schedule of Classes - Oregon State Ecampus

  • Search the Oregon State University Ecampus schedule of online classes by term.

Second Session Classes Osu (2025)


How late can I add a Class OSU? ›

You can add a class online before the first Friday of the quarter. You can add a class after the first Friday and before the third Friday. Bring the signed Course Enrollment Permission Form to the Arts and Sciences Advising Office in 100 Denney Hall.

What happens if I fail a Class OSU? ›

Ohio State offers an academic policy called the Grade Forgiveness Rule. Under this rule, students can petition to complete a second attempt at a course and, once completed, remove the grade of the first attempt from their OSU GPA calculation.

Does OSU send secondaries to everyone? ›

What's a secondary application? After applying through AMCAS and your MCAT eligibility verified by our office, all applicants who designated Ohio State College of Medicine as one of the schools of their choice will receive an email which will include the link to the secondary application.

How many times can I retake a Class OSU? ›

However, the Grade Forgiveness Rule allows undergraduate students to petition to repeat up to three courses under a different arrangement: the grade in the repeated course will permanently replace the original grade for the course in the calculation of the student's cumulative GPA.

What happens if I drop below 12 credit hours? ›

What happens if you: Drop below full time status (less than 12 credits per term): Pell Grant: If you drop below full time status before the end of the add/drop period, the amount will be pro-rated. You will receive 3/4 of the award amount for 9-11 credits, or 1/2 of the award for 6-8 credits.

Is there a deadline to enroll at OSU? ›

It is a general suggestion to apply early (Ohio State's early action deadline is November 1 and the final deadline for the Columbus campus is February 1). Apply for scholarships and financial aid by February 15.

Is D passing at osu? ›

A PE grade is equivalent to a D+ or D and is not accepted to meet a program or course requirement of a C- or better. More information here.

What is a B+ at osu? ›

OSU Standard Grade Scale
OSU Percentage ScaleLETTER GRADE
87% - 90%B+
83% - 87%B
80% - 83%B-
77% - 80%C+
7 more rows

Do I lose FAFSA if I fail a class? ›

Failing one class does not mean you'll automatically lose access to federal financial aid. But these funds do have academic eligibility requirements, as outlined in your school's satisfactory academic progress (SAP) guidelines.

Can you get into OSU with a 2.5 GPA? ›

Applicants who have earned a cumulative 2.5 or better from all colleges and universities attended are typically competitive for admission to the Columbus campus. Grade trends and performance in courses key to the chosen major are considered in the admissions decision.

What GPA does OSU want? ›

With a GPA of 3.81, Ohio State University requires you to be near the top of your class, and well above average.

What is OSU ok acceptance rate? ›

The acceptance rate at Oklahoma State University is 70.6%.

In other words, of 100 students who apply, 71 are admitted. This means the school is not selective. As long as you don't fall way below average, you'll likely get in.

Do I get a refund if I drop a class at OSU? ›

A reduction in credit hours may result in a refund of a portion of fees. Dropping a course or withdrawing from the university may impact financial aid. Adjustments may be made as refunds, credits, or adjustments to financial aid. Contact your academic advisor and Buckeye Link before changing your schedule.

Do pass fail classes affect GPA OSU? ›

The P/NP grading option converts assigned letter grades to either a P (passing) or NP (not passing) grade, both of which are GPA-neutral and ignored by GPA calculations. P grades are considered passing, and transfer courses with P grades will count in earned hours and toward degree requirements.

How common is retaking a class in college? ›

More students fail a class in college than you might expect. At The Ohio State University, for example, each year 4,500 undergraduates retake failed classes. That represents around 10% of the undergraduate population. A higher number likely fail a class and choose not to retake it.

What is the last day to drop a class in Ohio State? ›

You can drop a course on or before the tenth Friday of the semester. For current term deadlines, visit the Registrar's web site and click on “Important Dates” under “Quick Links.” On or before the fourth Friday, no record of your enrollment will be recorded on your transcript.

What is the period of time for adding a class in Oregon state? ›

Adding Courses – Second Week of Term

Adding a course during the second week of the term will require departmental approval. You will need to request an override from the department responsible for the course in order to register for the course in Beaver Hub – Register/Add/Drop Classes.

Is it too late to apply to OSU? ›

Note that Ohio State's early action deadline is November 1, 2022 for new first-year students applying to the Columbus campus. The regular decision deadline is February 1, 2023.

How do I add a class at OSU? ›

To enroll in courses:

Log in with your Ohio State username and password. Select Add a Class under Academics. Select the appropriate semester for enrollment. Enter the Class Number and select Enter.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.